Promise me that when you find out who did this you'll make them pay.


When the Ewings unite nothing can stop us. You're either on our side or you're among the casualties.

Sue Ellen

You force me to take actions for your own good girl.


If he strangled you I would sit back and watch the show.

Sue Ellen

You need to know in your life that there are people who love you and are here for you.

John Ross

Arrested for transportation of stolen goods two months ago. Women's shoes it says. He give you a pair at least?


John Ross: I ain't going anywhere until I know that you're OK.
Pamela: You'll be here a long time.

A man needs his man cave. A place I can take a girl after I club her over the head. Or where I can read, quietly.

John Ross

What would make you people happy? You want me to go home and curl up in the fetal position.


The whole family under the same roof again. Buckle up, right.

John Ross

Dallas Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

What would make you people happy? You want me to go home and curl up in the fetal position.


The whole family under the same roof again. Buckle up, right.

John Ross