My memory of that night is spotty, but I know for sure that Tripp held me down and when I said NO he didn't listen.


Sami: And now Sydney's gone off to school and it's just the two of us [her and EJ]... I shouldn't be telling you this.
Lucas: Of course you should. You gotta tell somebody. And I'm 100% on your side.
Sami: Are you on my side? About this though?
Lucas: Of course I am.
Sami: You've gotta understand, it's been hard for EJ. You have to understand how much pain he's in and he is so proud and he pretends he's not and sometimes he can't help it. He needs my help when he has no other choice and he hates that. He's mad all the time. He's mad at the pain and at being so helpless and he's mad at the world. And I can understand that. I can. In my head, I understand it. But sometimes in my heart it feels like he's mad at me. I keep telling myself it'll get better but that's not what happened. It's not just the pain. It's like something got twisted up inside of him and now he pushes me away.
Lucas: Objectively speaking, that sounds like hell.
Sami: It is and all I can do is sit and watch.
Lucas: You're not just sitting and watching it. You're living it. You've done everything you can for that man. Look, if someone's drowning and they try to take you down with them and you push them away, that's not giving up. That's survival.

John: We were just looking at family photos.
Abe: Oh. That's what the projector was for.
John: She wanted me to take her home. I thought this was a good compromise. Just trying to make her happy, you know?
Abe: You did.
John: And I know that she's up there looking down on me now wanting me to be strong. She wants me to know that I'm gonna get past this.
Abe: That would be her.
John: But she's wrong, Abraham, because I am never getting past this.

Abigail: You are not going with me. I don't even let you come to my prenatal appointments, much less accompany me to a shrink.
Stefan: I just want to support you.
Abigail: No! You want to see Gabby.
Stefan: I won't deny that. But look, if you're worried about me saying anything to Chad, I'm not going -
Abigail: Why do you keep bringing him up?
Stefan: I wasn't aware that I was doing that.
Abigail: You're threatening me, aren't you? If I don't let you come with me, you're going to tell him everything I told you.

Claire: I love you. You’re my best friend.
Ciara: I’m your best friend? Well, with best friends like you, my dear, who needs homicidal maniacs!

Paul: Look, I care about Marlena too, and if I thought she was in any immediate danger, I would have told her myself. But whatever my dad was talking about on that call had to do with Steve. And before I confront him,I need to know the facts. And for now, I just have to believe there's a reasonable explanation for all of this.
Will: What possible explanation could there be for him to poison his best friend?

I'll always love you. Never gonna forget you. I know you wouldn't want me to spend the rest of my life alone. You'd want me to be happy. Eli makes me happy. But there will always be a special place in my heart for you.


Chanel: Mr. Dimera, I have to tell you how impressed I am with this place. My mom is in real estate, and all that's missing is a moat.
EJ: That's against zoning laws, I'm afraid.
Chanel: Oh, my mom could get that changed.

You can lock me up forever and I still will not reverse the procedure!


Maggie: Everyone says I have good instincts.
Alex: But do you have killer instincts? That's what's really needed in this business.
Maggie: How's this for killer instincts? You're fired.

Eli: I will never regret one second of our life or our love. We fell in love because of the child we shared and we lost. David Abraham. We will love and remember him every single day. We will also make sure his little brother or sister knows how brave and beautiful he was. Just like his mother. Last time we were here, you sacrificed everything to make sure my grandmother was okay. You even let me think you broke my heart and blame you for it. But you won't have to sacrifice anything ever again. You will never be alone again. I love you and I can't wait to be your husband now and forever.
Lani: Eli, you are the love of my life and my dreams come true. It took all my strength to walk away that day and I never got to say the vows I wanted to say, but I knew I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do everything I could to save your grandmother because I love who you love. Your friends are my friends, your family my family. David Abraham will always be part of us but our heartbreak over losing him will make us appreciate and care more deeply for this child we are bringing into the world, a world that you make brighter and bigger for me every day. You are my world, my everything, and the best person I know. I love you for your kindness, your gentleness, your humor. You. make me feel special and safe and I promise I will be the best wife to you and mother to our child. You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world and I can't wait to love you for the rest of my life.

Eli: How do you know Kristen won't go after Xander like she did Victor?
Lani: She won't do that.
Eli: How do you know? Cause she pinky-sweared?