This is not the way it ends. Heroes don't go out laying in a hospital bed hooked up to a bunch of machines. You know that, right? That's what you are, John Black. You're a hero. And I'll never admit it, and I'll kick your ass if you ever repeat it, but you're MY hero.


In situations like this, I like to act first and ask questions later.


Paulina: Ready to go, Abraham?
Steve: Paulina.
Paulina: Hmm?
Steve: Abe's having second thoughts about this.
Paulina: Oh. Abraham, are you all -
Abe: I am not having second thoughts. Please allow me to speak for myself.

I spent all night screaming your name and all I got in return was a sore throat.


Rex: Well, this is awkward. But it's okay, because it's never going to happen again. I'm leaving town.
Sarah: Rex, you don't have to do that. We need to talk.
Rex: With all due respect, you need to listen to me. I know I made a lot of mistakes and I'm sorry that I hurt you. But I still love you enough to say that I hope that Eric doesn't break your heart.

You can stop lying to me now. You're not in this alone anymore.


Tell me that you're gonna run. Best thing for everything, including you, is to bounce. You know that, don't you?


Marlena: Your memory loss came from an old skull fracture.
Mystery Man: Well, isn't that a kick in the head?

Eric: Since when is the Pub closed on New Year's Day?
Roman: Since I decided to take the day off.

Julie: Why are you here?
MarDevil: I've come for my present.

Deimos: Do you honestly think that I'm just gonna stand by, do absolutely nothing to help her while you run to her rescue? The bottom line, Brady, is this. I love her! And I know she still loves me. And once I'm able to get her baby back for her, nothing else will matter. She'll forgive everything that happened before.
Brady: She'll forgive everything. Man, you REALLY don't know who she is, do you?
Deimos: If I could just get my man to track her down... I will do everything in my power to get the authorities to go easy on her.
Brady: You gonna do that with another bribe, Deimos? Is that your plan?
Deimos: If that's what it takes, you're damn right I will! If that doesn't work, I'll make arrangements for her to disappear so she can raise her daughter without interference. At least then she'll finally have what she wants, and I'll finally be able to sleep at night knowing that I was the reason.
Brady: You're the reason she lost her baby in the first place! She's out there on the run, with her daughter, because you didn't get her what she wanted. And because of that, she's probably gonna lose her baby for good.

You know, Sami, if I didn't hate you so much, I'd genuinely feel sorry for you.

Lexie Carver