Abigail: You are not going with me. I don't even let you come to my prenatal appointments, much less accompany me to a shrink.
Stefan: I just want to support you.
Abigail: No! You want to see Gabby.
Stefan: I won't deny that. But look, if you're worried about me saying anything to Chad, I'm not going -
Abigail: Why do you keep bringing him up?
Stefan: I wasn't aware that I was doing that.
Abigail: You're threatening me, aren't you? If I don't let you come with me, you're going to tell him everything I told you.

Claire: I love you. You’re my best friend.
Ciara: I’m your best friend? Well, with best friends like you, my dear, who needs homicidal maniacs!

Paul: Look, I care about Marlena too, and if I thought she was in any immediate danger, I would have told her myself. But whatever my dad was talking about on that call had to do with Steve. And before I confront him,I need to know the facts. And for now, I just have to believe there's a reasonable explanation for all of this.
Will: What possible explanation could there be for him to poison his best friend?

I'll always love you. Never gonna forget you. I know you wouldn't want me to spend the rest of my life alone. You'd want me to be happy. Eli makes me happy. But there will always be a special place in my heart for you.


Well, Kate, I'm sorry you're missing Andre, but I'm pretty sure you're the only one around here that does.


Abe: Do you and Billy do a lot of cooking?
Valerie: There is no me and Billy. We broke up.
Abe: I'm sorry. Although I have to say... no, it's none of my business.
Valerie: What? Say what's on your mind.
Abe: Well, I'm sorry to hear that you and Billy aren't together, but I never thought he was good enough to be your romantic partner.
Valerie: Really? Though that begs the question, what kind of characteristics does a man who would be good enough to be my romantic partner have to have?
Abe: Well, he would have to be a lot like me.

I am nobody's possession!


Andre: Can you tell me what you find so amusing?
Chad: Oh, it's just... I mean, come on, Andre. A bachelor party? It just doesn't, uh, seem like your thing.
Andre: Well, it's not as if I was gonna throw you some crass, vulgar evening.
Chad: Okay. All right. What'd you have in mind, then? What, uh... martinis at the Rooftop Grille?
Andre: Perhaps.

Sarah: I have been there for her every second since she was born.
Kristen: And I am grateful that you have taken care of her, but it should have been me. I am her mother. All that time you spent with her was stolen from me.

He [Stefano] s nothing but a poisonous spider and I won't let him suck Tony back into his web.


Allie: How could you say something like that?
Johnny: I was just joking around. I know that you're with Tripp and I'm with Chanel.
Allie: Well you might not be for much longer. That wasn't funny, Johnny. You were acting like EJ!
Johnny: You know I hate it when you say that, just like you hate when people say you act like Mom.

Wendy: Your mom thought you were your dead brother?
Tripp: Half-brother Charlie. We didn't even grow up together. I didn't even meet him til recently. He did some very, very bad things.
Wendy: Yeah. I have a brother like that.
Tripp: No, Li didn't do anything close to what Charlie did. Charlie was a lost soul, I think. I don't know. Maybe I'm just trying to make sense out of it all but I think that he had so much pain on the inside that he had to inflict it on others.