It is your day for me to tell you how lucky we are to have such an incredible son.


Julie: You said you forgave me but you don't want to have your party here because you think I'm a racist!
Lani: No. It doesn't have anything to do with that. I'm just superstitious. Celebrations, they always go bad, especially here.
Eli: Yeah, what about John and Marlena's anniversary party?
Julie: There's only one masked lunatic in Salem, and she's behind bars.

Victor: Adrienne dear, it's me. If you've got a minute I'd like to talk to you.
Adrienne: Sure, Victor. I'll be down in a couple minutes.
Victor: I'll be in the study. Oh, one other thing. Lucas, you're fired.

It's kind of funny, don't you think? You asked the most off-center person to make sure the centerpieces were perfectly centered.


Sorry Victor. You can huff and puff until you stroke out. I don't give a damn.


Abe: You know, I got a text from Chad. The specialist from Boston is here.
Claire: Oh, please let him be able to do something.
Abe: Right.
Claire: I feel so guilty. I know that you know the last time I talked to Theo, we got into a huge argument. I'd hate to think that the last thing we talked about was some stupid misunderstanding like that.
Abe: You know, kids your age have arguments. That doesn't make what happened your fault.

Justin: I will do everything I can to get you out, but I have to tell you, it won't be smooth sailing.
Maggie: Has anything been smooth sailing since the day Victor first showed up on my back doorstep?

It's like I put everything that happened with Steve in this box for past great loves and now he's back. And Justin... his file is marked Present and Future and I'm so happy.


Nicole: I'm so sorry about Mickey. I want you to know I've been praying for her.
Marlena: Thank you. Have you heard from Eric?
Nicole: No. He texted Brady and Brady passed the news along to me.
Marlena: Good. That means you know how much you've hurt Eric. I hope you don't hurt Brady too.

Summer: You think I can never change.
Brady: I think that you didn't.

Xander: I really thought third time was the charm. We should be having champagne and cake and lots of newlywed sex right now.
Rafe: I don't need the details of your honeymoon plans.

Chad is hearing your voice in his head. What did you do to him?

Kate [to Stefano's portrait]