John: You can kill me, but you can never kill the love Marlena and I share.
Devil: You're right. Perhaps there's a better way than killing you.

Jack: What are you doing here? You already ate the place out of pot roast at lunch, remember?
Rolf: Forgive me. I have been away from civilization for too long. But I am not here for a meal break. The serum is ready.

Gabi: Stefan! WAKE UP!
Stefan: Is the mansion on fire?
Gabi: No, but we are about to set your nephew's house of cards on fire.

Li: Honestly, Gabi, the last thing I want to do is interfere with your happiness.
Gabi: Yeah? Well the only way I'll know for sure that you won't try is when you wake up every morning to the sound of a nightstick rattling across the bars of your lonely little cell.
Li: I can assure you that isn't going to happen.
Gabi: Oh yeah? Why is that? Is it cause you're screwing the DA?

Chloe: Xander is not a creep!
Brady: No, you're right. He's a man of integrity and extreme character. But he's also a guy who left you in the clutches of a dangerous drug lord.

In case there's any doubt, I'm the one and only [Vivian Alamain].


Paulina: I'm so sorry, my love. I should have found another way to help Chanel.
Abe: This is bigger than the bakery. This is about someone who uses their power and position to hurt innocent people.

Chloe: Saved by the bell. Now I don't have to eat that disgusting slop. I don't know who that is at the door, but whoever you are, I love you!
[Chloe opens the door]
Chloe: Philip?

Marlena: How do I know I can trust you to keep your end of the bargain? You are the Devil, after all.
Devil: Believe it or not, my word means something around here.

You go upstairs and rest and I won't be a jerk. (Pauses) Well, I'll try not to be a jerk.


It was hard being Victor's grandson, but I know he loved me, and I loved him too.


Kristen: As I said, I jumped to the wrong conclusion, so how about we forget I said anything?
Gwen: I wish I could forget about it, but I can't because you're, well, you.