Brady: Is Marlena okay? And Kayla and Kate?
John: They seem to be. I don't know if that serum came from Rolf or from someone else, but I don't care. It was a miracle. Someone up there must like us. Or Doc, anyway, but who wouldn't?

[Jack walks in on Gwen kissing a pillow.]
Gwen: I suppose that was awkward.
Jack: As long as the pillow was consenting, I don't see a problem with it.

Paulina: Abraham, I am never one to shy away from a fight. Neither are you. I know that. But in this case, we need to back off.
Abe: And let Rawlings stay in office? Not a chance. If he hasn't put Chanel out of business or shut down anything else he has a distaste for, he's on his way into making Salem into a dictatorship.
Paulina: Do you really think that's possible?
Abe: In politics these days, anything is possible.

Brady: After what Stefan did to Abigail, I'm worried.
Chloe: You're worried? That what, after the loss of you I'm incompetent to run my own life?

Ava: I'm just thinking about the monster I created.
Tripp: Charlie did horrible things, but he was still your son. You have to feel something about him being dead.
Ava: I do. I'm glad he's gone.

Victor: Facing mortality again has made me think about reconciliation. Perhaps someday when his children are older and he has to make compromises, Brady will understand that I did what I did to protect Maggie.
Xander: Do you think there's ever any chance that Sarah will understand that I did the same for her?

Marlena: You know, I've been asking myself what makes it okay for Leo to hurt people? What could have made him so vindictive? Was he perhaps traumatized? Perhaps you could shed some light, not just for Leo's sake, but for everyone's.
Diana: Let me ask you something, Dr. Evans. If you had potentially damaging information about your daughter, would you throw her under the bus to help a complete stranger?

Hope: Let's hope he's convicted and put away for good, huh?
Roman: Except we both know he's innocent.

I love this town. You just confessed to assaulting me and now you're asking me for a job.


Roman: You weren't stupid. You were in love. You loved Paulina and she loved you.
Abe: If Paulina loved me, why didn't she tell me the truth?
Roman: Maybe she was trying to protect you. She didn't want you to suffer this kind of pain.
Abe: That's what Paulina said too. Way to make herself the hero in all this.

Rex and Sarah are bad enough. Now Nicole's back from the dead, which is a waste of a miracle if you ask me.


Gabi: God knows I tried to get over it, and I probably thought about it 100 times. It wasn't really you who sent me to prison. It wasn't really you who kept me away from my baby for months. No! It was your sick, twisted alters, right? Because poor, sweet, innocent Abigail, she would never hurt me. She would never want to ruin my life.
Abigail: I didn't! You know that I didn't! I loved you, and when I heard you were in prison, I was absolutely heartsick, and it was all I could think about for months.
Gabi: Oh, so you were thinking about me.
Abigail: Just about how much I wanted you out of prison.
Gabi: If wishes were horses? Wait, what's the rest of that? Beggars would ride? Yeah, I love that proverb, it kind of sums everything up.
Abigail: I'm not the reason you are suffering.
Gabi: No, no, you're right. It was your alters. Those alters! Oh my God. Imagine! Imagine, Abigail, if we all had an alter, what would that be like? We could cheat, lie, steal, murder, and blame it all on innocence. Oh no, please don't hurt me, it was my alter!
Abigail: It wasn't me.
Gabi: You keep saying that, except the person who killed Andre and sent me to prison looks just like you. Same features, same height, same wimpy little voice. Oh, what, you put on a black wig? Let me tell you, that wig, it's not very good for your complexion.
Abigail: You need to leave.
Gabi: That was a pretty rough time, especially for my daughter. My five-year-old daughter... did you know she thought I abandoned her> She hated me. You know what's like? No, you don't know. But I guess you're gonna find out.