Get your filthy hands off my daughter!

Jade's father

People with short fuses shouldn't be bartenders.


Jade's Dad: She was never raised that way.
Jade: I wasn't raised at all!

Deimos: As I told your grandfather, I know it's going to take some time before all of you trust me after what I did.
Brady: You were very right about that.
Deimos: And if I knew something, Brady, I would certainly tell you. But I don't. You're wasting your time here with me. But I hope to God that you find your son. And soon.

I'm tired of the fighting, Deimos. I want it behind me. Behind us.


You know, you've been saying for some time now that you want to make amends. This offer is a good step in putting the past behind us. But if I'm to move on with my life, I, uh, I need to do the same thing. Accept my guilt. I was responsible for the argument that caused Helena to lose her life. I was so hurt and angry by the fact that you stole her from me that I let you spend 30 years in prison for a crime you didn't commit. Over the years I convinced myself that I'd done nothing wrong. Now I know that I did. So the question is, can we truly move on?


Looks like it's gonna be a night of flicks and chill.


No, you're right, if this was the old Abigail. Before she was terrorized by Ben, she would have done anything to let me know that she was okay.


What are you telling me? Are you saying that my wife is dead?


I'm the DA. I could threaten to prosecute him for withholding information, see how he reacts.


Aiden: Officer Doza, right?
Doza: Mr. Doza now. And you're the shyster lawyer who just came back from the dead.

Like sands through the hourglass... so are the Days of Our Lives.

Dr. Thomas "Tom" Horton Sr.