Chad: I loved your sister.
JJ: You killed my sister!

Jack: I'm not going to stand around here and watch the bravest girl I know self-destruct.
Jen: Ok, that's fine. Because that's what you do anyway. You go. So just go.

I told you not to mess with the guy. Deimos is one endless supply of bad news.


Sorry. I have a lot doing somersaults in my head. Like, Victor kidnapping Tate.


Why should he confess to something he didn't do?


You are going to follow the law on this one, Roman. To the letter.


You don't have facts. You have opinions.


Theresa: Look, it must be hard for you knowing that Victor did this.
Maggie: He didn't, Theresa.

There's no need for you to defend yourself.. Roman's so sure he got his man he stopped thinking.


Wow! If I knew this dinner was going to include a main course of I told you so, I would have agreed to it so much sooner.


Thank you. It's good to know that SOME family members still care.


Like sands through the hourglass... so are the Days of Our Lives.

Dr. Thomas "Tom" Horton Sr.