Rachel: Why are you two fighting again?
Kristen: We aren't fighting.
Brady: Sometimes adults speak loud when we're talking about something important.
Rachel: I don't like when you fight. It makes my tummy hurt.

Brady: After what Stefan did to Abigail, I'm worried.
Chloe: You're worried? That what, after the loss of you I'm incompetent to run my own life?

Li: Chloe is doing a great job at Basic Black, but I don't see why I should give her a promotion.
Kristen: Because the promotion will get her out of Basic Black and I want her here, far away from Brady as possible.
Li: I'm sorry, Kristen. I can't help you. I don't have a single position available.
Kristen: Huh. So your sister happened to snag the last opening in this entire organization? Nepotism much?
Li: Uh, what was your last name again?

Johnny: Be careful, okay? My dad already has his suspicions and I don't want him or anyone else finding out what we're up to.
Gabi: Hi, Wendy.
Wendy: Gabi. Hi.
Gabi: So what are you two up to?

Johnny: We'd better get you over to Dimera Enterprises if we're gonna find out what we need to, if we're gonna find out whether your brother brainwashed my uncle.
Wendy: Oh, Johnny. Bet you say that to all the girls.
Johnny: Come on. Don't you think, if they screwed with the man's mind they deserve to pay for it? Right?
Wendy: We don't know what they did.
Johnny: That's what we're trying to find out! What? What's bothering you?
Wendy: You know, I started all this to get leverage over my brother, to force him to get me a job, but now that I have the job...
Johnny: You want to back out?
Wendy: No. I still want to know what he's capable of.
Johnny: Well, I don't need to find out what my father is capable of. I know what he's capable of. What I need is to prove what he did to Stefan so I can bring him down.
Wendy: You see, that's where you and I are different. You hate your father for what he did to Tripp's mother.
Johnny: Yeah, and to Stefan and Chad and whoever else gets in my way.
Wendy: But I still love my brother! We're still family

Abe: If you had vetted your new hire more closely, you would have found out that Mr. Stark was facing multiple felony charges.
Paulina: I knew you looked familiar. You were recently arrested for the murder of Abigail Dimera and the stabbing of Sonny Kiriakis!
Leo: Hello? I was totally exonerated!
Abe: You were hardly innocent. You blackmailed Sonny into marrying you and you conned Craig Wesley into becoming your unlawfully wedded husband. So do you sense a pattern here?
Leo: I... have excellent taste in men?
Abe: You are a golddigger.
Leo: I WAS a golddigger. Now I'll be earning my own gold working at a legitimate job.

Kayla: So... Stephanie told me that it's far more interesting to be in Salem than in Seattle.
Joey: Oh yeah? Did she tell you why she feels that way?
Kayla: Oh, come on. You know there's never a dull moment here. We have our own supervillains. We have paranormal activities. There's Dr. Rolf raising people from the dead, and of course, you have your wildly fascinating family who lives here.

Stephanie: Ms. Price, I have been working 24/7 to get this taken care of for you.
Paulina: I'd rather you work 9 to 5 and actually accomplish something

Sonny: So you're going back to being a player?
Alex: You told me that I would fall hard for someone. And I did. Stephanie Johnson. But the problem is, she's not only not interested in me, but she's moved on with Chad Dimera. So I'm going to do what I do best: I'll soothe my broken heart by having lots of no-strings-attached sex with as many beautiful women as possible.

Paulina: What do you mean, relax? This is my daughter's life we're talking about, not to mention my campaign for governor.
Stephanie: I know. I have it all under control. I'm going to fill my associate in on the plan and by tonight, Sloane Petersen won't be able to bother you anymore.
[Stephanie hangs up.]
Chad: So what's the plan?
Stephanie: Beats me.

  • Permalink: Beats me.
  • Added:

Brady: Is Marlena okay? And Kayla and Kate?
John: They seem to be. I don't know if that serum came from Rolf or from someone else, but I don't care. It was a miracle. Someone up there must like us. Or Doc, anyway, but who wouldn't?

Wendy: So who's CEO now?
Gabi: EJ Dimera
Wendy: Another straight white man. Of course.