Gwen: You know, I've really progressed in my relationship with Jack. I don't want to lose that. But he deserves to know. Maybe he can help her.
Leo: This is why you and I have to get back to being tighter than Channing Tatum's tushie. You, my dear, have lost your edge.
Gwen: I have not! I have more edge now than before.
Leo: What is the golden rule of grifting? Always look out for old number one. Telling Daddy about his wife's drug problem isn't going to get you squat. In fact, it might get you less than squat.

Gwen: You know, I didn't want to stand in judgment of Jennifer.
Leo: Not a good look for you.
Gwen: But the minute I told Jennifer, she told me that if I told Jack, she would just unleash on me.
Leo: The sainted Jennifer?
Gwen: No, the high as a kite Jennifer.

Did you [Abigail] come from heaven to let me know you're all right? Or are you a ghost? Are you here because I miss you so much? I know what you are! You're the answer to my prayers. You'll listen like you used to. You'll understand the hell I've been living in since I lost you.


Rafe: I know you're new here, but have you had any run-ins with Melinda Trask?
Jada: I've heard of her. She seems like a tenacious prosecutor.
Rafe: Maybe a little too tenacious.
Jada: Can that be a bad thing?
Rafe: It is if she's getting innocent people locked up.

Jada: I have your phone and you have mine.
Eric: Oh. I didn't even notice.
Jada: It must be a slow crime day, then, or you'd have seen my phone blow up with messages.

Of course I didn't stab Sonny or murder Abigail. Besides the fact that I'm not a homicidal maniac, I wasn't even in town.


Jada: Look, I didn't come here to argue with you. This is like some sort of sick competition for Eric's affection, even though you and Eric are divorced and you're married to another man!
Nicole: Eric and I have a long history as friends.
Jada: I get that you are protective of Eric. But I find it insulting. You're acting like the person Eric needs protecting from is me.

Kristen: I just want to say I'm sorry about your o.
Brady: I love it when you try to seem human.
Kristen: I didn't know! I didn't know she was ill, Brady, and if I had, I would have never pushed John like that!
Brady: If you had, you would have thrown it in his face.
Kristen: Just drop the high moral tone. I mean, you have your whole family lined up behind you to keep me from Rachel, You can't expect me to not fight for her.
Brady: You know, you can drop the whole 'I'm fighting for my daughter' routine, because it is a load of crap. This is not about Rachel. It is about you and your sick compulsion to win. Every little hill for you, every little molehill, is a hill to die on! You are your father all over.
Kristen: Yes, I am. So think about it, Brady. If I'd die for a molehill, imagine what I'd do to keep my own daughter.
Brady: Mm hmm. Do you hear it? My own daughter. This is not about a little girl for you, Kristen. It is about ownership. You know, there was a point -- a very low point, mind you, where I thought, I can do this. I can share custody with Kristen. But after seeing the way you behave in this courtroom, I will do anything to keep Rachel safe from you.

Kristen: Mr. Black is here to testify as to Brady's character, is he not?
Judge: Yes, and that's appropriate.
Kristen: Is it? His wife went on a three-month crime spree recently and he didn't even realize it, so is he really a good judge of character?

Finally! I was wondering when the Justice League would get here. My guess is that Cyclops drew the short straw.


Jennifer: You used to tell Abigail that you could tell a lot about a person's personality by their topping choices.
Jack: It's true. For example, a person like yourself who takes only a few nuts is refined.
Jennifer: I'm refined and stuffy?
Jack: Not stuffy. I used to be before I met you. You taught me to loosen up and have fun.
Jennifer: Maybe too much fun.
Jack: Sometimes. But you saved me from being a curmudgeon who yells at kids to get off my lawn. I could have subscribed to all sorts of arcane rules. I could have been... Victor.

Craig: So you're telling me after all the kidnappings and drug deals and murders, you're not going to do it again?
Clyde: That's what I just said, isn't it?
Craig: To tell you the truth, I don't think you're good enough for Nancy.
Clyde: That's rich comin' from you. You're the one who cheated on Nancy and lied to her your whole marriage, and you're judging me?