Kristen: My whole plan is going up in smoke, and that's on you!
Rolf: How is this my fault? I tried to warn you that he wasn't ready to be out in the world.
Kristen: Well, then maybe you should have been a bit more forceful with your concerns. Your timidity and your incompetence ruined everything, and not just for me. For Li Shin. I'm warning you. If Stefan shows up to reclaim Gabi, Li will make you pay for it with your life.

Tony: You're saying all the right things, but I know that twinkle in your eye. What are you really up to?
EJ: Who says I'm up to something?
Tony: Well, first of all, because you are you.
EJ: Fair point.

Wai Shin: I wanted to talk to you about company business... and your relationship.
Li Shin: But you already gave our relationship your blessing!
Wai Shin: That was before I walked in on you about to fornicate on company property.

Stephanie: Look, Alex, maybe other women fall into your arms just because you're handsome, but I won't.
[Stephanie leaves]
Alex: She thinks I'm handsome!

Nicole: What if Eric was lying too and he didn't dream about me giving him a secret telegram?
Chloe: Well, there's only one way to settle this. Get your phone and call Eric right now.
Nicole: I'm not doing that.
Chloe: Of course not. I only suggested it to make the point that you need to get a grip.
Nicole: Thanks for being so supportive and understanding.
Chloe: I'm trying to get you to see that you're acting like a crazy person!
Nicole: You know, maybe I shouldn't have come here. I should go.
Chloe: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I know having Jada in the picture has been difficult for you but you have to think about what could happen if Jada tells Rafe that you have an excessive interest in Eric's sex life.
Nicole: She won't.
Chloe: You don't know that. The way she told you about having sex with Eric means that clearly she is a very direct person. You're my best friend and I love you, but I have to be honest with you. Rafe is your husband. You don't have to stay married to him, but you have to make a choice. Either end the marriage or work on it. Either way, you have to stop obsessing over Eric and decide what to do.

John: It's okay, baby. It's all over now.
[Orpheus is watching from another room.]
Orpheus: How touching, John. But I'm sorry to say, this is far from over. On the contrary, the games are just beginning.

Gwen: I admit it. I was furious at Abigail. I asked her to bring Jack the cup I made and instead she broke it.
Chad: I think you lying about Abigail being responsible for your miscarriage was far worse.

It's the same knife. And another thing. I never crossed Sonny's name off my list. Oh my God! I'm being framed!


Jada: So you don't think it's weird that I'm dating my boss' wife's ex-husband? Don't you think that's a little incestuous?
Rafe: In this town? Look, my wife was married twice to a guy who was married twice to a gal I was once married to.

Chloe: I'm telling you, Nicole, going over there to tell Eric about this dream is a bad idea.
Nicole: We both know that's never stopped me before.

Nicole: I'm sorry. I thought this was Eric's room.
Jada: It is. Eric said I could use his shower while he fixed my air conditioner.
Nicole: Oh. *laughs* I thought you two slept together.
Jada: Actually, we did.

Abe: I hope it isn't too early.
Paulina: Of course it's not. They're bakers. They're up with the birds.
Allie: Actually, we hired someone to open in the mornings.
Paulina: Of course you did. I remember how I used to have to drag you out of bed at noon.
Chanel: Mama, why are you here?
Abe: We wanted to tell you something. You see, I -
Abe: I see I won't have to worry about having a spokeswoman.