Lindy: We can't go with you. You're not one of us. It was kind of you to save our lives, but it is our duty to bring the culture of Finetime to wherever we go.
Guy: You have a magic box that's bigger on the inside? That's voodoo. We can't have that.
Doctor: I don't care what you think of me, but I would do anything if you would just let me save your lives.
Guy: Turn away, Lindy, before you're contaminated.

Ruby: Oh my! Bridgerton. This is my actual dream.
Doctor: And the dances!
Ruby: How am I doing this? I don't know these moves.
Doctor: Psychic earrings. Choreography beams into your motor system. Tap twice to choose your moves.

I'll handle this. Just try not to get engaged or accidentally invent tarmac.

Barton: My dear, you need to learn to be admired in silence.
Ruby: Yeah, well if you spoke to me and the girls like that on an evening down at the spinning wheel, we'd rip you a new one, mate.

Brooding. Good look. Did you practice in the mirror?

Lady Wallace, how bold of you to wear this dress that looked so good on me... last season.


Doctor: What do these things do?
Rogue: It's a trap.
[Rogue starts up the triform device]
Rogue: Stand there.
Doctor: Oh, I see. My name's Bond. Molecular Bond.

Doctor: You lost someone.
Rogue: How do you know?
Doctor: Because I know.
Rogue: We travelled together. We had fun. Then one day, when it came to the end of the day...
Doctor: I lost everyone.
Rogue: I saw you at the party, dancing with that woman.
Doctor: My best friend.
Rogue: Do you ever wonder... why keep going?
Doctor: Because we have to. At the end of the day, we have to keep going because they can't.

Rory: We're all ears!
Amy: There's a nose joke goin' if someone wants to pick that one off.

Why thank you Arthur C. Clarke. Teleport. Obviously. I mean,we're on a spaceship with dinosaurs. Why wouldn't there be a teleport? In fact, why don't we just teleport now?!


I am alone.

The Doctor


The Doctor
  • Permalink: Shush!
  • Rating: Unrated

Doctor Who Quotes

There's a horror movie named Alien? That's really offensive. No wonder everybody keeps invading you.

The Doctor

The Doctor: It's a risk.
Graham: Oh, like none of our other trips have ever been risky.
The Doctor: I have apologized for the Death Eye Turtle Army! Profusely.