River Song: I'm your wife!
King Hydroflax: You planned to murder me!
River Song: Don't change the subject!

River Song: If either of you ever use my name again, I'll remove your organs in alphabetical order. Any questions?
The Doctor: Which alphabet?

[to the TARDIS] You are a time-space machine! You are a VEHICLE! I've never asked you to cheer me up with hologramatic ANTLERS!

The Doctor

Why? Why does everyone think I'm so scared? We all face the raven in the end.


Never be cruel, and never be cowardly, and if you are, always make amends.

The Doctor

Tomorrow's promised to no one, but I insist upon my past! I am entitled to that!


Four knocks. It's always four knocks.

The Doctor

The Doctor is back on Gallifrey, after four and a half billion years. What do you *think* he's going to do?! He's stealing a TARDIS and running away. [A TARDIS materializes around her.] Bye!


We're on Gallifrey! 'Dead' is just Time Lord for 'man flu'!

The Doctor

At the end of everything, one must expect the company of immortals.


Lord President. With respect, get off his planet!

The General

Clara: Is this a story, or did this really happen?
The Doctor: Everything ever told really happened. Stories are where memories go when they're forgotten.

Doctor Who Quotes

There's a horror movie named Alien? That's really offensive. No wonder everybody keeps invading you.

The Doctor

The Doctor: It's a risk.
Graham: Oh, like none of our other trips have ever been risky.
The Doctor: I have apologized for the Death Eye Turtle Army! Profusely.