Cora: Mrs. Patmore, is there aspect of the present day that you can accept without resistance.
Mrs. Patmore: Oh milady. I wouldn't mind gettin' rid of my corset.

Anna: But I am spoiled for you, and I can never be unspoiled.
Bates: You are not spoiled. You're made higher to me and holier because of the suffering you have been put through. You're my wife and I have never been prouder nor loved you more than I love you now in this moment.

You're nervous because you're intelligent, Alfred. Only stupid people are foolhardy.


Mrs. Patmore: Ooh I like that Rudolph Valentino. He makes me shiver all over.
Carson: What a very disturbing thought.

I'd say that was game, set and match to Lady Grantham.

Dr. Clarkson

I'm not unhappy. I'm just not quite ready to be happy.


Jack Ross: Well. She's quite a character.
Mrs. Hughes: Lady Rose? That's one word for her.

You see Tom, things can happen at Downton that nobody could imagine only a few years ago. Think about that before you throw in the towel.


Robert: Don't be vulgar. What do you know of such matters?
Mary: I've been married. I know everything.

So I'd be welcome in your drawing room, would I? Have you met my niece and her charming bastard?


I am killing the wanted child of the man I am in love with and you're asking if I've thought about it?


Blake: I don't deserve such attention.
Mary: You certainly do. You saved our bacon. Quite literally.

Downton Abbey Quotes

Anna, help me do battle with this monstrosity. It looks like a creature from the lost world.


But no, I'm not back in the Army. It appears they don't want me.

Lord Robert