You're a coward, Mary. Like all bullies, you're a coward.


Edith: The one thing Mary can't bear is when things are going better for me than for her.
Bertie: I'm sure that's not true.
Edith: You don't know her. I'm getting married and you've lost your man. And you just can't stand it.
Tom: Edith, there is no need for --
Mary: You're wrong. I'm very happy for you. And I admire you, Bertie. Not everyone would accept Edith's past.
Tom: Mary, don't.

Edith: Who do you think you're talking to? Mama? Your maid? I know you! I know you to be a nasty, jealous, scheming bitch!
Mary: Now listen, you pathetic --
Edith: You're a bitch! Not content with ruining your own life, you're determined to ruin mine!
Mary: I have not ruined my life and if Bertie's put off by that, then --
Edith: Don't demean yourself by trying to justify your venom. Just go. And you're wrong as you so often are. Henry's perfect for you. You're just too stupid and stuck up to see it. Still, at least he's got away from you. Which is something to give thanks for, I suppose!

No, you see, you must never think that education is only for special people, you know, for clever people, for toffs. Education is for everyone.


Mary: Do you still think dismissing Barrow was a useful saving, Papa?
Robert: That's rather below the belt, even for you.

Mary: We're going, Barrow, and I hope things improve for you. I really do.
Thomas: I'd say the same if it weren't impertinent, M'Lady.

You are the only woman I know who likes to think herself cold and selfish and grand. Most of us spend our lives trying to hide it.

Violet [to Mary]

I believe in love. I mean, brilliant careers, rich lives, are seldom led without... just an element of love.


Mary: I believe I've met my match. I have. I'm not 20, trembling at the touch of your hand, but I know that if I leave you now I'll never be as happy as we could've been together.
Henry: I'm not 20 either but I still tremble at the touch of your hands.
Mary: Me, too. I don't know why I said that.

Edith: Now you're happy again, you'll be nicer... for a while.
Mary: If that's what you feel, then why are you here?
Edith: Because, in the end, you're my sister and one day, only we will remember Sybil... or Mama or Papa or Matthew or Michael or Granny or Carson or any of the others who have peopled our youth... until, at last, our shared memories will mean more than our mutual dislike.

Denker: Oh, Mr. Spratt. I know you resent me.
Spratt: Why would I resent you?
Denker: Because I'm interesting, because I'm exotic, because I'm attractive.
Spratt: Oh, dear me, this is worse than I thought. Do you always have trouble distinguishing fact from fiction?

Well, there's a lot at risk, but with any luck they'll be happy enough. Which is the English version of a happy ending.


Downton Abbey Quotes

Anna, help me do battle with this monstrosity. It looks like a creature from the lost world.


But no, I'm not back in the Army. It appears they don't want me.

Lord Robert