Finally, I would point out, your living is in Lord Grantham's gift. Your living is on Lord Grantham's land and the very flowers in your church are from Lord Grantham's garden. I hope it's not vulgar in me to suggest that you find some way to overcome your scruples.



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Mary: I shall have arms like Jack Johnson if I'm not careful.
Matthew: I'm strong enough to wheel myself.
Mary: I shall be the judge of that.

Mrs. O'Brien: I'm not jealous. I just don't want it to spoil things.
Bates: Why, because we've all been such pals untl now?

You made me a liar while he were alive. You'll not make me false to his memory.


I'm an American. I don't share your English hatred of comfort.

Lady Grantham

Thomas: Are your suggesting the black market, Mrs. Padmore? I'm quite shocked.
Mrs. Padmore: Oh, I doubt that very much.

Mr. Carson: Men will always be men, but for any young woman to let her judgement so desert her...
Lady Grantham: She's not the first lady to be taken in by a uniform, and don't worry, Carson, the baby will ensure she pays the price.

Patrick: Did I love her very much?
Edith: I'm not the one to ask.
Patrick: Because you were the one who loved really loved me, you mean?
Edith: I never thought Patrick knew.
Patrick: Well, he did. I do.

Matthew: If I thought for a moment that I was an argument against your marriage, I should jump into the nearest river.
Mary: And how would you manage that without my help?
Matthew: Well, I'd get you to push me in.

It will take a man who is more than I am now to follow you. So don't think about me.


But no, I'm not back in the Army. It appears they don't want me.

Lord Robert

Downton Abbey Quotes

Anna, help me do battle with this monstrosity. It looks like a creature from the lost world.


But no, I'm not back in the Army. It appears they don't want me.

Lord Robert