C'mon give me a shot. Just think of me as your new sassy assistant.


Owen: You have time to get your nails done?
Jane: There's always time to get your nails done.

Jane: You're not going to give up are you.
Stacy: Something I learned from my best friend.

Owen we had a deal. You give up empty calories, I give up buying matching outfits for the twins.


Fred: Oh my God, you're Grayson.
Grayson: I'm sorry, do I know?

I'm not going to the afterlife. I'm not done with this life.


Losing Grayson has impacted my ability to be effective counsel.


Grayson: Jane, it's me. It's Grayson.
Jane: This isn't funny and I'm hanging up.
Grayson: No listen, it's me. I hit return. And I'm back.

After what we've been through a little thing like Death Row isn't going to keep us apart.


I gotta tell you, Jane/Ian sex is giving Deb/Grayson sex a run for its money.


It wasn't just a peck on the cheek, they were going at it like a soldier returning home to his wife...in a porno.


When I feel down, I have to remind myself that I'm getting a second chance with this woman. The only woman I've ever loved.


Drop Dead Diva Quotes

I also heard that the firm is having financial problems and it's up to you to save us all. Must be like trying to save the Titanic.

Jane [to Kim]

I haven't stopped thinking about Jane since she left for Italy.
