Kim: You act like we're walking into an episode of "Game of Thrones".
Owen: Yes, with less nudity and more paperwork.

Jane: It's like I don't even know you.
Owen: I could say the same thing about you right now.

This doesn't have to make sense to you. This is my life. And I'm gonna live it the way I want.


The only sound I hear is my stomach turning from eating a cheesesteak. I swear, one of the twins is a judgmental vegan.


If you hadn't have screwed up, I could've had Beyonce's career!

Teri [to Ian]

Jane I know you're really Deb. What, can't a guy who almost died have a little fun?


I also heard that the firm is having financial problems and it's up to you to save us all. Must be like trying to save the Titanic.

Jane [to Kim]

Fred: I'm devastated, bereft...
Jane: A drama queen...

Fred: I wanted to thank you.
Jane: Thank me for what?
Fred: For letting me push the return button.

Jane died and came back to life. You said Jane is Deb. Stacey you might be right.


Luke: Fred lived with you.
Jane: Cause I liked Fred.

Did you realize you were shot the same day that Deb died?

Grayson [to Jane]

Drop Dead Diva Quotes

I also heard that the firm is having financial problems and it's up to you to save us all. Must be like trying to save the Titanic.

Jane [to Kim]

I haven't stopped thinking about Jane since she left for Italy.
