That was a waste of time or I'm going to be audited for the rest of my life.


But you were right. I don't need you anymore. Still don't.


With all due respect Holmes, so what?


You listened. You let someone else's scattering penetrate that attic you call a skull and you helped catch a killer.


For the record, a morgue is not a diamond mine.


Oh, so they hung up new things on your wall and you didn't know?


I am smarter than everyone I meet.


Give me some credit, I used to be a surgeon, I wouldn't leave a mess like this.


I've known the truth Abigail, I've known for 22 years.


The police want all of the evidence in my possession whether they admit it or not.


Sherlock: I sent you a text with my location every two hours.
Joan: I was busy.
Sherlock: I left some urine in your room.
Joan: Tell me it's in a cup...

Joan: You're going to harass a teenage boy at his fathers memorial while he's mourning?
Sherlock: If he's the killer than he won't be mourning.

Elementary Quotes

Holmes: Why do you suppose you hate your job so much?
Watson: I don't hate my job.
Holmes: You have two alarm clocks. No one with two alarm clocks loves their job. Two alarm clocks mean it's a chore for you to get up in the morning.

Watson: How do you do it, guess things?
Sherlock: I observe and then I deduce.
Watson: How did you know I was a doctor, you said you could tell from my hands.
Sherlock: Hand, singular. It was soft no calluses.
Watson: How did you know my father had an affair?
Sherlock: Google. Not everything is deducible.