Maggie: My suggestion: go find another peon to pee on.

Ms. Klein's problem with Mr. Stone isn't that he is eccentric, it's that he applies his considerable talents to underdogs and individuals, instead of conglomerates and CEOs. He reminds us that in business there is still room for humanity, that capitalism without mercy is tantamount to evil--he reminds us of the best parts of ourselves. Yes, I have protected Eli Stone, because I believe this firm needs Eli Stone; I believe that every firm, every company, everyone...needs an Eli Stone. And by your vote you'll say whether or not you agree. If you don't, then this place has become something I don't want my name on anyway.


Dr. Chen: You could let go. No one blames you, Eli. No one's angry. They're sad and they'll hurt. They'll hurt for a long time but the world will go on without you, Eli. The world doesn't need Eli Stone unless...
Eli: Unless? I have...
Dr. Chen: You could say it Eli, it's okay. I'm sure it's nice for Him to hear.
Eli: (choked up) I have more to do? I have more to do!
Dr. Chen: (smiling) I think so, too.

Eli: (Referring to the George Michaels' song that only he can hear) It's coming from the living room.
Taylor: I'm glad something's coming.

Just chill, do exactly which you did last time - follow the signs. If things get really bad come see me - I'll give you a little needle action.

Dr. Chen

Tow Truck Driver: Ipso facto, car goes back-o.
Eli: You're not using "ipso facto" correctly.
Tow Truck Driver: Not helping your case.

Eli: There was a voice this time. Pretty sure it was my dead father.
Dr. Chen: Hm. Dead parent. Different needle.

Eli: Mr. McCann, my associate Maggie Dekker.
Maggie: Pleased to meet you, Coma Guy... Mr. Coma Guy... McCann, Mr. McCann.
Eli: Don't mind her, she has Tourette's.

The only thing worse than losing the love of your life is having her find the love of hers.


I need your breasts

Matt Dowd

Taylor: Your ex-girlfriend's a lesbian?
Matt Dowd: Who isn't these days?

I'm a lawyer, I look for loopholes.


Eli Stone Quotes

Lenore: So, his father and I went outside to find Eli naked covered in feathers and chocolate syrup.
Eli: Thanks, Mom. [to Nathan] And thank you, too.
Nathan: Come on, I was ten. Just be glad I couldn't find tar.

Are you breaking up with me? 'Cause I-I was just diagnosed with a brain aneurysm, and that would be really bad timing on your part.

Eli Stone