Matt: In court, you're is daughter, Taylor. And any argument you make to a judge is going to lose credibility because of that.
Taylor: You sound like Eli.
Matt: And if he and I actually agree, that should tell you something.

Eli: What? Oh, you've got vision fever.
Nathan: Huh. I must have missed that day at medical school.
Eli: You had a vision last week. You read a little bit of Dad's journal. It's all cool and exciting. You've got the prophet bug.
Nathan: Would you stop making up spiritual ailments, please?

Maggie: There's nothing in this file that could me want to abandon my mentor.
Eli: Firstly, he's not your mentor. Secondly, I didn't abandon him, Taylor's handling it, and believe me, she's happier that I no longer am. And thirdly, I'm doing this with or without your help. And we both know that you're biologically incapable of turning down a poor sick kid case like this.
Maggie: I hate you.

Eli: Three thousand? What, dollars?
Nate: American dollars.
Eli: You talking to me? 'Cause I can have you smited. I know people.

This wasn't like a regular vision, Frank. This was like someone spiked the vision punch.

Patti: Are we suing Duke Ellington, Eli?
Eli: Probably not. He's dead.

Patti: I'm sorry, Eli, but you cannot tell the people you work with that your life-threatening medical condition is back on an interoffice memo.
Eli: You're right. An e-mail would be faster.

Maggie, my co-workers already think I'm marble-deprived. I don't think that representing a dog on my first case back is going to change that perception.

Eli: Come on, you're Nate, rock star chick magnet, mm? Probably be the first guy in history to successfully operate on his own brain aneurysm.
Nathan: If I botch it, can I sue myself?
Eli: Oh, I'll take care of that.

You had the aneurysm removed. You were quite clear that you wanted your life to return to what you consider normal. But you're meant for so much more, Eli. You're one of those people for whom "normal" is a failure of potential.

Recertification Therapist

Matt: Well, we both care about Taylor.
Eli: Might be the only thing we have in common.
Matt: Please God let that be true.
Eli: You know he uses more hair product than you, right?
Taylor: Yeah, it's part of his charm.

Are you breaking up with me? 'Cause I-I was just diagnosed with a brain aneurysm, and that would be really bad timing on your part.

Eli Stone Quotes

Lenore: So, his father and I went outside to find Eli naked covered in feathers and chocolate syrup.
Eli: Thanks, Mom. [to Nathan] And thank you, too.
Nathan: Come on, I was ten. Just be glad I couldn't find tar.

Are you breaking up with me? 'Cause I-I was just diagnosed with a brain aneurysm, and that would be really bad timing on your part.

Eli Stone