Andrew: Why is everybody looking at me?
Ari: Cause you look good!
Andrew: I feel like a douche.
Lloyd: Andrew, my voice must be heard. You do not look like a douche, you look like a powerful handsome new Miller Gold partner.
Ari: You stick with me Andrew, and that won't be the last offer you have for a blow job today

Babs: Thank you for the flowers, Ari... Was that your idea or Lloyd's?
Ari: My partner has been named the 33rd most powerful woman in Hollywood and you think I wouldn't care enough to send flowers? I'm hurt.

The problem is, I can't run my business the way I want to, not with that woman as my partner. You're mother controls me at home, she controls me at work, where can a man be a man?


Babs: I want an apology. Now.
Ari: Sorry ladies, I'd like to congratulate each and every one of you, but Barbara's cock is all I can handle right now!

She went out and found herself a man to partner up with and look what she made of herself! Cheers to you, Babs, and to all of you out there who have saddled up to powerful men to stand in our way!


Vince: I really don't see a head tilt
Verner: Shall I get a protractor? It's there!

Yo, fuck you crew-neck wearing motherfuckers, I just got my own TV show!


Ari: What time is the luncheon? I'd love to show up!
Babs: Um...there's no men allowed.
Ari: So it's more of a rug-munching than a luncheon!

Ari: We have a meeting with Andrew, and we have three hours to make him look like an agent from this side of the hill!
Lloyd: Extreme makeover, Lloyd-Gold edition! I'm so excited!

Drama: There's the director.
Turtle: Should I just gun it and run him over?
Drama: Or should we take the slow and painful approach and piss in his OJ?

Entourage Season 5 Episode 10 Quotes

Ari: We have a meeting with Andrew, and we have three hours to make him look like an agent from this side of the hill!
Lloyd: Extreme makeover, Lloyd-Gold edition! I'm so excited!

Drama: There's the director.
Turtle: Should I just gun it and run him over?
Drama: Or should we take the slow and painful approach and piss in his OJ?