Eric: Why arn't we shooting, Billy?
Billy: Light's not right.
Eric: When is it going to be right?
Billy: When the clouds move.
Eric: When is that gonna be?
Billy: I'm a film maker, suit. Not a fucking weatherman

What attracted me to this project? Well, that's easy. It was the blood


That is the last fucking cell phone that I wanna hear in the next forty five days that we spend together! I'm telling you all right now that if another cell phone rings while professional artists are trying to work the person responsible for that distraction will be dragged into town and sold as a drug mule! Does everyone understand what I'm saying?


Billy: You're fearful. Like this is the most feared man in Columbia, right? But you know that he lusts after you.
Village Girl Actress: But I'm only selling bananas

Eric: Why aren't we shooting?
Vince: I just act, kid

Vince: I called Ari personally and asked him if he'd call our financier and try and get us a little more money
Ari: I told Vince, "HA HA HA"

Stephen Gaghan, I'd love to hear his words coming out of my mouth


I've had people read my work and not like it, but I've never had anybody pay me not to work. It was nice, actually.

Steve Gaghan

Entourage Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

Stephen Gaghan, I'd love to hear his words coming out of my mouth


I've had people read my work and not like it, but I've never had anybody pay me not to work. It was nice, actually.

Steve Gaghan