Save your homoerotic slave labor for me Lloyd. And E, don't take your shirt off. I don't want anyone going blind from the reflection off your translucent boy chest


Ari [referring to Harvey]: You're gonna tell him in person?
Eric: That's right.
Ari: What I wouldn't pay to see that.
Eric: Yeah, well save your money for botox Ari, all that negativity's starting to take its toll.
Ari: Call waiting, later loser

Walk the other way David or else I'll pull out your fucking eyeballs


Drama: Even more thoughtful were the coffee's I brought over to the fire-house, when I went over to introduce myself.
Eric: Are you expecting a fire or are you just hoping to slide up and down on their pole?

Drama: According to some circles, that Barbie might be a Ken.
Mayor: Huh?
Drama: She might have balls your honor.
Mayor: What?
Drama: She's a he, a Transformer, a hermaphrodite, something that just ain't right

Eric: Can't you wait for a call back?
Ari: As the French might say, "No, I fucking can not.

Now why would I buy a big black cock?


Deny 'til you die pal

Ari [to a man who just lied to his wife]

Billy: There he is, fresh from the dry cleaners, my one and only favorite suit.
Eric: How you doing Billy?
Billy: Come here E, give me some love

Yes E, I would say being rejected by Cannes before we have a distributor would be a disaster


Drama: Shoes off Ari.
Ari: Fuck you Drama

Turtle: You are ruining this party, Drama.
Drama: By stopping two hundred people from shitting on my toilet? I don't think I'm ruining anything.
Turtle: Who shits at a party?
Drama: Or they could just piss. What do drunk people do? They piss, and they miss

Entourage Season 4 Quotes

Stephen Gaghan, I'd love to hear his words coming out of my mouth


I've had people read my work and not like it, but I've never had anybody pay me not to work. It was nice, actually.

Steve Gaghan