Cafeteria Kid: Your dog wrote an insensitive Tweet. You can't eat here.
Chris: Uh oh, Meg. It's a sensitivity mob.
Meg: It was just a joke.
Cafeteria Girl: There's no such things as jokes anymore.
Other Cafeteria Boy: Yeah, we live in a post-joke world.

Lois: What were you thinking writing that Tweet?
Brian: What? It was just a joke.
Lois: Brian, it's not 2005. You can't just go online and say whatever you want.

Family Guy Season 16 Episode 6 Quotes

Lois: What were you thinking writing that Tweet?
Brian: What? It was just a joke.
Lois: Brian, it's not 2005. You can't just go online and say whatever you want.

Cafeteria Kid: Your dog wrote an insensitive Tweet. You can't eat here.
Chris: Uh oh, Meg. It's a sensitivity mob.
Meg: It was just a joke.
Cafeteria Girl: There's no such things as jokes anymore.
Other Cafeteria Boy: Yeah, we live in a post-joke world.