Leela: Excuse me? We're from the Planet Express delivery company. We're here to deliver a robot.
Bender: I am Bender. Please insert girder.
Grade 53 Bureaucrat: Ha ha ha, looks like we've got a new office cut-up!

Fry: We'll never find that disk will we, Bender?
Bender: I am Bender. Please insert girder.
Fry: You're right. Nothing is over as long as there's one thin ray of hope.

Grade 20 Bureaucrat: Central Filing? Of course I know where that is. I'm a grade 20.
Leela: Where is it?
Grade 20 Bureaucrat: I can't tell you. What do I look like? A grade 16?

Fry: Man, how long is this gonna take?
Old Man: I'm still waiting on my birth certificate.
Farnsworth: Well, it doesn't look like I'll make it inside with the rest of you. Uh, but good luck. Just leave me where I drop.
(line gets sudenly bigger)
Old Man: oh, someone had a baby.

Hermes: Look at that: The carts go out full but they come in empty. It's criminally inefficient.
Australian Man: Quiet, mate. Pulling the empty carts is the closest thing we get to sleep.

Farnsworth: You can't just waltz into the Central Bureaucracy. It's a tangled web of red tape and regulations. I've never been but a friend of mine went completely mad trying to find the washroom there.
Leela: Then we'll need a guide. Someone who's been there before.
Farnsworth: Oh, I've been there. Lots of times!

Bender: I am Bender. Please insert girder.
Fry: Poor Bender. Without his brain he's become all quiet and helpful. We've got to go to the Central Bureaucracy and get that disk back!
Amy: Yeah!
Farnsworth: Oh, yes, we must, yes.
Amy: ...Why?
(Everyone looks around trying to think)
Leela: Well, those arguments aside, we're still going.

Leela: You and Morgan were having an affair?
Fry: I couldn't help it. She loved me because of the part of me that's a slob and I loved her because of the part of me that's desperate.

Fry: I want him back right now.
Morgan: Then you should have filed a request 20 years ago.

Morgan: I did what I had to do, Fry; He was a bad robot.
Fry: No, he was a bad friend.

Fry: Hey, what did you do to him?
Morgan: I downloaded his brain. Everything that is Bender is right here. His mind, his memories, his in-your-face interface.
Bender: I am Bender. Please insert girder.
Fry: But, but... Bender need brain... for... smart making.

Hermes, wait. We're having a poker party. Stay and whip off a batch of your famous jerk dip.


Futurama Season 2 Episode 14 Quotes

Zoidberg: Now it's time for my song! When I was two, there was a tidal wave in-
Closing Credits
Zoidberg: Aw.

Hermes, wait. We're having a poker party. Stay and whip off a batch of your famous jerk dip.
