Our paths first crossed when I was a researcher at Mom's Friendly Robot Company. The moment our eyes met we knew we'd be going at it like woodchucks.


Fry: Man, there's clouds of exhaust everywhere.
Bender: Uh, wasn't me!

Leela: So how are you gonna lug all those gifts to Mom's factory?
Bender: I'll get a couple of chumps to help me.
(cut to scene - Fry and Leela, carry the gifts behind Bender, who's only carrying the card)
Bender: Come on, you call yourselves chumps?

Linda: Yankee's fifths Blernsmen William Woo is out with an injured knee.
Morbo: So... Humans have easily injured knees... My race will find this information very useful indeed! Muhuhahahaha!
Linda: Hihahaha.

Bender: Come look, everyone. I just got the dearest presents for Mommy.
Leela: Very nice. Where'd you steal them?
Bender: I didn't steal 'em, I bought 'em. I love her that much!

Fry: Hey, Bender, here's an exhibit about Mom's favourite robot.
Bender: Who is he? I'll kill him!

Fry: Hey, who's this guy?
Janitorbot: I'm the janitor. I'm trying to take a nap here.
Fry: I'm sorry, I-I thought you were made of wax.
Janitorbot: I am made of wax, what's it to you?
Fry: I mean I thought you were one of the wax robots.
Janitorbot: Is there some reason a robot made of wax can't take a nap standing up in the middle of a bunch of wax robots? Or does that confuse you?

Igner: Mommy? Why do the robots give you presents?
Mom: Shove a big old melon in it, I'm talking!

Mom: Jerkwad robots make me sick to my ass! Walt? How are we disposing of these crap gifts they brought me?
Walt: They're being crushed into powder and sold as a hocus-pocus cure for cancer.
Mom: False hope, I love it!

That's the world's greatest robot artist, Vincent van Gobot. He was built without an ear, but then he went crazy and had one installed.


Mom: Children, your old mother won't be around forever...
Betamax Player: Oh, shush!
Mom: And just once, before I die, I'd like to be Supreme Overlord of Earth. So rebel, my little ones, and conquer the planet!

Mom: Conquer Earth, you bastards!
Robots: Conquer Earth, us bastards!

Futurama Season 2 Quotes

Gimmie you're biggest, strongest, cheapest drink.


She was my first love... or at least the earliest one I can still remember.
