Mom! It's me, Bender. Look at me! I want attention. Hey, ho!


Linda: Yankee's fifths Blernsmen William Woo is out with an injured knee.
Morbo: So... Humans have easily injured knees... My race will find this information very useful indeed! Muhuhahahaha!
Linda: Hihahaha.

Bender: Come look, everyone. I just got the dearest presents for Mommy.
Leela: Very nice. Where'd you steal them?
Bender: I didn't steal 'em, I bought 'em. I love her that much!

Mom: You've noticed I design all my robots with antennas. Everyone thinks it's just to make them more science-fiction-y. But the antennas are really for my universal robot controller!
Larry: So they do whatever you want? No wonder you love Mother's Day.
Mom: I hate Mother's Day, you dribbling pukes! It brings back awful memories. But, so help me, this year everyone will hate it as much as I do.
Walt: Someday, I want to marry a girl like her.

(thinking) Here we go. Just unhook it and get the remote. So many hooks! Come on, Farnsworth. Drat, the first one's back on again!


Bender: Hey, look, the Robot Museum! You guys wanna learn about robot heritage?
Leela: Um, alright.
Fry: Not really.
Bender: Well, if you insist. But you're paying!

Fry: Man, there's clouds of exhaust everywhere.
Bender: Uh, wasn't me!

Leela: So how are you gonna lug all those gifts to Mom's factory?
Bender: I'll get a couple of chumps to help me.
(cut to scene - Fry and Leela, carry the gifts behind Bender, who's only carrying the card)
Bender: Come on, you call yourselves chumps?

Joe Gilman: Mmm, these are great. Boys, this is your lucky day. I'm Joe Gilman.
Fry: Wow! You're some guy who eats at Fishy Joe's?
Joe Gilman: Hell, no! I am Fishy Joe! I've got a fast-food franchise on every planet in the known universe. Uh, except McPluto.

Vendor: Please, don't push, there's hot dogs for everyone.
Bender: Hey, Mac, where do you want those rat droppings you ordered?
Woman: That's disgusting!
Vendor: Wait a minute. You're not the guy who delivers the rat droppings!

Fry: Hey, yeah.
Leela: Good idea.
Bender: Bender's a genius.

Bender: Hey, Fishy. I've been meaning to write you about your in-store kiddie parks. The slides won't support an adult robot.
Gilman: Good point, not interested.

Futurama Season 2 Quotes

Bender: At least I'll always have her bracelet! What do you think it's worth?
Hermes: It's fake, mon.
(Bender cries.)

(to Leela) Look! It's our nebula. Whenever I see it, I'll always think back to that moment when we almost... (nebula gets sucked into the black hole) Oh, nevermind.
