Lorelai: You know what I was thinking?
Rory: That Madonna and Sean Penn should get remarried?
Lorelai: Besides that.

(On the phone) Dad? (pause) Yeah, it's Lorelai. Who else calls you 'Dad'?


Michel: (Holding a phone) It's for you. He says he's your father, although why he'd volunteer that freely, I don't know.
Lorelai: My father?
Michel: Yes.
Lorelai: Are you sure?
Michel: Please just take the phone.

Lorelai: Oh, my God, you have good handwriting.
Rory: Thank you.
Lorelai: You did not get that from me. Your fabulous flair you got from me.
Rory: I also got my deviated septum from you.
Lorelai: Hey, focus on the flair.

(Dancing with one of the grooms) You know, in some countries, if you dance this close, you're cheating on your wife.

Miss Patty

Luke: I thought you were starving.
Lorelai: Things change. Move on.

Lorelai: Wow! Sounds like you really had a good time.
Rory: I did.
Lorelai: Really?
Rory: Really.
Lorelai: Really?
Rory: Really.
Lorelai: Really?
Rory: Okay, new word now.

Rory: (to Lorelai) I'm not hungry. I had a big lunch at the club.
Luke: (walking over) With all the other devastators of our land.
Rory: Luke, I'm really sorry. I didn't know.

Luke, am I mistaken, or did the sign on the door say "open."


Lorelai: What's with the hat?
Rory: Grandma gave it to me.
Lorelai: Oh, now that's just mean.
Rory: It's not that bad.
Lorelai: Do you want a mirror?
Rory: I'm taking it off.

(to Rory) My God. This day, the swans, the tulle, my head. (to Luke) Luke, I need the largest cheeseburger in the world. Let's break a record, Mister.


Emily: I think we should consider getting her a membership at the club, don't you?
Lorelai: If she wants, sure.
Emily: I mean, to have a place to go where she could socialize. That's very important to a young girl.
Lorelai: Well, now, especially that the crack den has closed down on the corner, all her really good friends are gone. What do you think, Mom, should I pursue the career in comedy?

Gilmore Girls Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Lorelai: You know what I was thinking?
Rory: That Madonna and Sean Penn should get remarried?
Lorelai: Besides that.

Emily: I think we should consider getting her a membership at the club, don't you?
Lorelai: If she wants, sure.
Emily: I mean, to have a place to go where she could socialize. That's very important to a young girl.
Lorelai: Well, now, especially that the crack den has closed down on the corner, all her really good friends are gone. What do you think, Mom, should I pursue the career in comedy?