Blair: I know you're here with Chuck, and I can only imagine what he said about me. Limo sex, social torture, freshmen, blackmail. But I assure you, there's an explanation for all of it.
Catherine: Save your breath, Blair. Chuck didn't tell me a thing.
Blair: He didn't.
Catherine: I told him it didn't make any difference to me, because ... despite your best efforts, which are completely transparent, by the way, Marcus will never end up with a lowly Waldorf.

Duchess? I'm so sorry, for what I said about the botox. Your work is flawless.


Chuck: I thought you might like to meet my friend.
Blair: Why, so she can warn me bout the effects of too much botox?
Catherine: Blair, is it? I'm Duchess Beaton.
Blair: [flabbergasted] Duchess? Nice to meet you.

[to Serena, about Blair/Marcus] So, she actually refers to him as The Lord?


Catherine: Charles Bass?
Chuck: [pauses] I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone so young... or so beautiful.
Catherine: Just because I didn't give birth to Marcus doesn't mean I'm any less interested in his well-being.

Nate: They're obviously just trying to scare us to get me to rat out my Dad.
Vanessa: You do know where he is, right?
Nate: Yeah but... I couldn't. Not even after what he's done.
Vanessa: Just had to put it out there... But I promise if worse comes to worse, my sister and I can give your mom pointers on how to do more with less.
Nate: [laughs]

Dan: I was just thinking about... this morning... on the bus ...
Serena: Yeah, we didn't exactly stick to the plan, did we?

Serena: This could be a good opportunity for us to talk about things, I'm still kind of down about the breakup...
Blair: What is there to talk about? You're finally free of Downer Dan and I've got my old Serena back!

Serena: Well, if you can't find common ground with a dictator, I don't know who can.
Blair: Dan likes soccer, right? Or football, as Marcus calls it? Think it would be too weird if he came?
Serena: Not... necessarily ...
Blair: Good, you'll call him?
Serena: Does this mean you actually think Dan has a redeeming quality?
Blair: As long as knows his arse from his Arsenal, I think he's aces.

Spotted, Chuck Bass putting his new BFF on speed dial. Is it the beginning of a beautiful bro-mance? Or the end of Blair's bid to be British?

Gossip Girl

Marcus: No one's ever good enough. I've dated a lot of top-flight girls and she always sends them running. She gets inside their heads, figures out their worst fears and then ...
Chuck: ... ruthlessly exploits that fear. Sounds rough.

Rufus: Does this place actually serve coffee, or what?
Vanessa: Yes, it does!

Gossip Girl Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Serena: I'm just a little ...
Dan: Overwhelmed?
Serena: Confused.

Gossip Girl: As summer comes to an end, I'd like to share a few things I've learned about fun in the sun. Gossip Girl's guide to summer fun tip #1: Don't fall asleep on the job. The best hookups are free of morning breath and awkward conversation. The only thing better than making up ... is waking up.