Get ready to find out what you're made of. Because to survive on the Upper East Side, you better be fearless. XOXO — Gossip Girl.

Gossip Girl

Face your fears and the rewards can be profound. You can discover the true depth of a relationship. Or what you're capable of withstanding. The problem is, the more you gain, the more you stand to lose.

Gossip Girl

Louis: You're pregnant? You're pregnant!
Blair: Oh, you're happy.

The true author of the tell-all tome has been revealed. And the author's name is one everyone will recognize. But the question is, will anyone want to say it again once the book is out?

Gossip Girl

Ivy: I'm going to make sure that Cece reinstates your access to her checks.
Carol: You are on your own now. Good luck.

To my beautiful wife, her freedom, and the end of the ankle bracelet.


Destiny is a scary thing to face. We all need a little push.


There was a part of me that really wanted it to be yours.


Chuck: You must have very been relieved when you realized you weren't carrying my offspring. It certainly would have derailed your fairytale.
Blair: This fairytale is complicated.
Chuck: Blair. Meet my dog, Monkey.

Chuck: If this is another misguided attempt by Dan to make me feel something...
Blair: I'm pregnant. It's Louis's. I didn't want you to find out from someone else and wonder if the baby was yours.
Chuck: That's very considerate.
Blair: Yes. Well. If I know anything about Chuck Bass, it's that fatherhood isn't part of the lifestyle.

Blair: I need to talk to you.
Chuck: I thought we said everything we needed to say last time we saw each other.

Gossip Girl: There once was a Princess B, undone by the question: Who's the daddy? But it's time to find out. Will it be Chuck or will it be Louis?

Gossip Girl Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

Blair: Go away! I'm preparing for my interview with Hello magazine.
Dorota: But doctor office call again. They have test results.
Blair: Hang up or I'll tell the reporter you're undocumented.

They say the only way to conquer your fear is face what you fear the most. You must walk into the belly of the beast. And risk the possibility of failure. But try to hide from your fear, and you risk it swallowing you whole.

Gossip Girl