Hi, uh, I have a friend of mine I'd like to introduce you to. His name's Jesus and he pays much greater dividends than those dollar bills in your underpants.


Rusty: You see yourself reflected in her and you don't like what you see. Are you growing up?
Cappie: You shut your damn mouth.

Ashleigh: The Gamma Psis seem so nice with their cupcakes and their bunny mascot.
Casey: Bunnies look cute, then they bite you with their big sharp bunny teeth.
Ashleigh: And they sleep where they poop.

Casey: So Fisher is officially off probation?
Ashley: Once again he is a full citizen of the United States of Ashley.

She already has friends in New York. What, do they sit around Central Perk, talk about what to name Rachel's baby?


You've never seen Clueless and you're a film major? I thought CRU had a good program.


If our enemies find out that me and Evan are vigilante crime-fighters who protect the people of Cyprus from the dark forces of corruption, we'll be so screwed!


Casey: I'm like the worst detective ever.
Ashley: Oh stop it! Remember Inspector gadget? He needed a dog and a 10-year old girl to solve anything.

I was clinging to this notion of me as a sexy atheist supervillain, but that's not me! I mean, I'm sexy! But I'm not atheist and I'm not a supervillain. I'm Dale Kettlewell.


Fisher: You can't cook! Legwarmers are not gloves. And during Clueless, I literally gagged twice and pretended I had popcorn stuck in my throat.
Casey: That was way harsh, Fisher.

This weekend is all about charm, flattery, and shameless butt-kissing.


Casey: Between Pan-Hellenic, the pledges, my classes, and the house, I have too much on my plate already.
Ashley: Well, why can't you have more than one plate - you can have two plates - maybe a chafing dish.

Greek Quotes

I do not go to the gym five times a week for my health!


But it's not the end of the world. Don't you read the scriptures I leave on your pillow? There will be signs.
