Lexie: He's still sleeping.
Bailey: Good, he needs his rest.
Lexie: Dr Bailey, I um. I was wondering if you could lie. If, if you could lie to the transplant board and tell them that he's been sober for a year. Um, they trust you. They'll listen to you. And, maybe then he could, he could get on the list.
Bailey: Dr Grey, I have 15 other patients all waiting for liver transplants. 15 people in an untenable situation. None of whom drank themselves into it. So no, I will not lie. Not for you, not for anyone. Do you have any other questions I can answer?

Alex: How would you like it? This crawling all over you. Stupid squirrels having a party all night on your roof. I mean, what the hell are they doing up there anyway?
Cristina: Applying betadine to the area.
Alex: I don't know how to deal with this. I mean, I don't camp. My parents were lounge lizards. I was raised in a bar.
Cristina: Extracting the arachnid.
Alex: And there's no plumbing. I mean, the, the, the toilet. It empties into a bucket, underneath the trailer. A crap bucket! And Izzie's all... marriage is an adventure. Just the two of us, exploring the wild. I married freaking Lewis and Clark.
Cristina: I guess I'm done.
Alex: That's it. I mean, I'm tellin' her. We're moving back to Meredith's. I'm done.
Cristina: You can't do that.
Alex: Why not?
Cristina: Because, that's not how it works. I mean, she's just been through hell. She's not ok yet. Just give her one, Alex.
Alex: Since when did you become a marriage counselor?
Cristina: I guess when you save someone's life you kinda want it not to suck.

Arizona: You know, I hate it when people who don't live here say that seattle weather sucks. Those people sucks.
Callie: Ooh! I wanted to show you something. I made a list.
Arizona: Hmmm? You made a list?
Callie: Yeah, to read to the Chief. 50 reason's why he should hire me as an attending. Ok. Number one, I built a man's bones out of titanium rods. Two, what I lack in experience, I make up for in raw talent. Three, I can go 7 hours in the OR without even taking a pee break. Four... what are you doing?
Arizona: I'm going back to the hospital.
Callie: Uh, this is important.
Arizona: I lost my favourite scrub nurse yesterday. Anne. She's a single mother, she's supporting 3 kids, and now she's out of a job. And this morning, a 10 month old hemorrhaged while I was deep in her chest, and I didn't have my favourite scrubs nurse. I had to actually look up and ask for a mesh wrap, because the new nurse didn't know me. Anne knew all my moves before I even made them. And it felt terrible to be in the OR without her. I was really looking forward to spending 30 minutes in the park with my girlfriend, cause this merger thing, is important to all of us.
Callie: Sorry, I've been just... Sorry.
Arizona: He'll say yes, or he'll say no. And then we'll know.
Callie: Ok.

Meredith: Is this our optic glioma guy?
Derek: Mhm. Are you sure you're up for this? There'll be others, I promise.
Meredith: Yeah, you know, everyone is looking at me like I owe him something. But, he's still the bad guy here.
Derek: You don't owe him anything. (Kisses her)
Meredith: I...

Lexie: So, I'm gonna be fired. I've done a lot of really dumb things today. Including, pulling your medical files.
Meredith: Lexie.
Lexie: Just, listen. I didn't wanna do this. I didn't wanna have to come to you for anything. Ever. So I thought if I looked up your blood type, and it was the wrong one, then that would be it. Then I could just stop thinking about it. But I can't. Because you have his blood. And I know that he's not your dad. I know that he was never there for you. And, I would never ask you to give him anything. He doesn't deserve a thing from you. He doesn't. But he's... he's gonna die Meredith. And, so I'm asking you to give something to me. I'm asking ... I am asking you to give me my dad. Because, as crappy as he was to you, he was wonderful to me. He never missed a single dance recital. He was there at my fifth grade graduation. What is that? It's not even real. I know he's not your dad. I, I know that. But somehow, you have his blood, and I don't. So I'm asking you, give me my dad.

Thatcher: Meredith.
Meredith: We found a match.
Thatcher: What?
Meredith: We found a match, a donor liver. So, we're gonna schedule the surgery for tonight.
Thatcher: That's terrific. I... But I thought I wasn't eligible for the transplant list.
Meredith: It's not from the list, it's me. I got tested, and my cross match was negative, which means we're an ideal match. So, I'm gonna go get admitted, and we'll do this.
Thatcher: Ah, Mer... I'm a drunk Meredith. I did this. I put myself in this bed. I broke me. I can't... I won't let you put me back together. I put you through enough. It's a generous offer. I can't... I can't accept it.

Meredith: You know what, I'm good. I'm off the hook. I did what I was supposed to do. I offered. Mother Theresa would be proud.
Alex: You gotta go back in there.
Meredith: And do what? Cry and call him daddy?
Alex: He's the sick one okay. He's sick and you're not. You've gotta go back in there. Just say what you've gotta say, and make him take it.
Meredith: Alex, I tried.
Alex: Try again.

Thatcher: Does the Chief always pay such attention to his patients, or just the ones whose wives he had an affair with? Sorry. How'd I do this to myself? How did I end up here?
Richard: You woke up every morning, and you promised yourself that last night would be your last drink. And you made it, till 9am. Or noon. Some days, till cocktail hour. And you were so pleased with yourself, that you rewarded yourself with a drink. You convinced yourself again, that it would be the only one. You have a disease Thatcher. When you're in it, you can't stop. You can't undo what you did. But, Meredith is offering you a second chance man. You need that liver. You need it now. If you want to live.
Thatcher: I took her childhood. I can't take anymore from her. You... you'd better take care of my girls. You owe me at least that.

Izzie: Hey, my stomach cancer patient, we're going for the surgery. We're gonna do it. Hunt actually listened to me.
Alex: That's great.
Izzie: Right. I'm gonna go scrub in. Oh, hey, are you ok? I'm sorry about the whole tick thing.
Alex: I'm fine. It's a small price to pay for fresh air.
Izzie: Ok.
Alex: You're welcome.

You're the guy who used to pour my cereal in the morning. That's it. It's all I remember about you. You're not my father, you're just the guy who used to pour my cereal. And, if you die it probably won't change my life that much. But, it will change hers. If you die, it will break her. And, I'm not gonna let you do that. I don't know what it's like to have a father, but I do know what it's like to have a sister. And, it's good. And, if we can get through this, then the door will be open for us to get to know each other. The door is open.


Meredith: Well, you wanted a surgery.
Cristina: Putting a bicycle pump inside a man's junk is not surgery. (Mer laughs) It's punishment.
Meredith: Well at least you don't have to be laid up in bed for the next month. You'd better tell me all the gossip about the Mercy West people. I want all the gory details.
Cristina: Yeah, yeah.
Meredith: Am I stupid for doing this?
Cristina: No.
Meredith: Really?
Cristina: You get to save your dad's life tonight.

Derek: Hey.
Meredith: Hey. What are you doing here? (Smiling)
Derek: You didn't think I was gonna let you do this by yourself, did you?
Bailey: Ah ah, this is not how this is going to work. (Looks at Cris) Do I need to find you something to do?
Cristina: No. I have a penis.
Derek: I'm gonna sit by her head, and I won't say a word.
Bailey: Shepherd, this is my OR.
Derek: I respect that Dr. Bailey, but this is my wife that you're cutting into. (Mer Smiles)

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
