MARK: "I thought you said you didn't think about me?"
ADDISON: "I don't. I'm actively NOT thinking about you right now."

CALLIE: "You know those cartoons, where there's a bear or whatever, and it's starving and it looks at the table, and the table turns into this delicious cooked turkey, with like lines of deliciousness coming off it?"
ADDISON: "I was not looking at him like that! Because he is the help, and I am not going to be sleeping with the help!"
CALLIE: "I married the help."

[beaming] "We got married in Vegas!"


"Dude, she's Callie O'Malley."


MARK: "There you go underestimating me again."
ADDISON: "It's not that I underestimate you, it's just that I don't think about you. At all."
MARK: "Well, you should."

MARK: "Aren't you gonna get in there? If you wanna be chief, you gotta fight with the big boys."
ADDISON: "Oh, I intend to fight like a girl. I'll let them kill each other and then I'll be the only one left standing."

[narrating] "As surgeons, we live in a world of worse case scenarios. We cut ourselves off from hoping for the best because too many times the best doesn’t happen. But every now and then something extraordinary occurs and suddenly best case scenarios seem possible. And every now and then something amazing happens, and against our better judgment we start to have hope."


MIRANDA: "These are your letters of support for my free clinic. Sign them."
PRESTON: "Why do you want this clinic so badly?"
DEREK: "You're a surgeon."
MIRANDA: "Because I need something more. I know you all have your messy love lives and your secrets and your silliness, but I want more. I need something to hold on to. I need a reason to believe that medicine can do more than stitch you up and send you away. I need to believe that medicine can not only save lives, but change lives! I need... I need... to believe in something the way I used to believe in you all. Sign the papers! Sign the papers."

"Mark Sloan, Chief of Surgery. That makes me vomit a little in my mouth."


MIRANDA: "You didn't think of maybe telling me this morning that you were planning to step down instead of sending me on this wild goose chase?"
RICHARD: "Dr. Bailey. You need those clowns to sign off on your proposal because one of them may be Chief of Surgery in a month. It's hard to imagine, for me more than anyone, but since you're not ready for the job, one of them has got to do it for the next few years."
RICHARD: "It's you that's going to be Chief eventually. That's who you are. But you're gonna have to get a new chair because you're too short. You have short legs. But someday you are going to be Chief of Surgery. I wasn't sending you on a wild goose chase. I was trying to get you in a habit of doing things without me."

ALEX: "You kissed me right? You kissed me and ever since, you've been avoiding me."
ADDISON: "Alex."
ALEX: "No, you've been avoiding me because you just assumed I want you. Or you just expect that everyone you look at sideways is pining after you, right? Has it even occurred to you that maybe I'm not interested?"
ADDISON: "You're not interested?"
ALEX: "You think I wanna be just another intern sleeping an attending?"
ADDISON: "You kissed me back."
ALEX: "You're my boss. I mean, what did you expect me to do? Look, Sloan's had me changing bandages all day, and I would way rather be scrubbing in one of your surgeries. And if you keep avoiding me, I don't get to scrub in, so stop avoiding me. [pauses] Look, it happened. But it doesn't have to happen again."

CALLIE: "How's George?"
CRISTINA: "Dealing, I guess."
CALLIE: "He sure has a voracious appetite."
CRISTINA: "Some people bake. Others eat."
CALLIE: "No no no. I don't mean that kind of appetite. I mean the other appetite."
CRISTINA: "Oh okay. We're not friends. You and I. We're not friends, so please don't talk to me about what George eats."
CALLIE: "I was just concerned and I thought you'd be concerned, but you know what? Forget it. I don't like you."
CRISTINA: "Oh. Now my feelings are hurt."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
