Mara: I'm surprised. You're gonna let Audrey go.
Nathan:You're not Audrey. You're just a pathetic, evil reminder of what I lost, what we all lost.

Nathan: Duke, look at me. Look at me! Jennifer stopped breathing in the cave. I heard you say it. You can sew my eyes and ears shut. You have to listen to me. I have to get you to understand that Jennifer is gone. Dwight saw her body.
Duke: Shut up!

We've all lost people. I had to bury Jennifer last night. But we grieve, we don't go crazy.


Oh God. Would you evolve already? Sex is cardio.


Mara: You know I have all of Audrey's memories, right? Did you ever just wonder if she loved you as much as she loved you?
Nathan: No.

Well, it looks like Duke is out. He's not gonna make it past the porch. So, what's it going to be? Are you going to grab a shovel or are you going to indulge yourself in your little tickle fixation and watch your friend die?


Sorry big guy, but your lifetime is a fraction of a second in mine.


Dave: Nobody's going to think a telephone poll was running down the street!
Vince: In Haven they might!

Dwight: I try to eat healthy.
Gloria: You're like a moose. A milkshake won't hurt.

I have gone as far as I can treating that B I T C H like Audrey.


You plant a seed, but you never know how the vine is going to grow.


Duke as Nathan: See Nathan? I can totally sound like you. Stick-up-my-ass serious, sprinkle in a few "Parkers."
Nathan as Duke: Well I'll just try to look annoyed all the time.
Duke as Nathan: It ain't easy being me, Nathan.

Haven Quotes

The guy threw a manhole cover at me, okay? I'm just sayin'.


Nathan: You just punched me against the room!
Duke: Yes, that's true.