Duke: This guy had a family? And he's taken his kids with him?
Audrey: His organs are failing. He might need them.
Duke: For parts.

Audrey: Lucy loved The Colorado Kid and it cost him everything.
Claire: And you're afraid that will happen to every man you love.
Audrey: Not if I don't let it.

Audrey: It's just I, I think I'm past therapy.
Claire: Nobody is past it.
Audrey: I've been trapped in a snow globe, I've fought shadows and I've been almost killed machines.

Claire: Try to connect:
Nathan: To that rabid angry man dog with a gun?

If he cares about Liam, if he loves him...dogs care about things they are trying to protect.


Fartles. James.


Audrey: I'm pretty busy now Duke!
Duke: I just thought you might like to know there is a very large, naked man eating raw fish by the south dock. Kind of looks like he should be in a Bow-Flex commercial. By that I mean he's like jacked, juiced...now he's staring at me.

And say what? We've got 8-10 cavemen in a barn, we might have found the missing link?


Hey Nate, explain to me the difference between killing a man and convincing him to walk up his own ass, because I'm confused.


When Audrey touches me, I can feel it. She's the only one.


You are in love with Audrey. What,did you think that was a secret?


The guy threw a manhole cover at me, okay? I'm just sayin'.


Haven Quotes

The guy threw a manhole cover at me, okay? I'm just sayin'.


Nathan: You just punched me against the room!
Duke: Yes, that's true.