This might be the best thing I've ever eaten... and yes, I'm including what you're thinking about now.


What do you expect? I'm an addict. I set everything at all 11.

We flirted. We kissed. I fondled. I hallucinated [sex with you] and yelled it from the hospital balcony.

Foreman: I feel like Tom Brady's back-up.
Thirteen: Tom Brady's back-up now makes $10 million.

How hard are you trying not to make a ball joke right now?


Cameron: You know how House feels about people touching his ball.
Foreman: No, Chase refuses to tell me.

House was an egotistical pill-popping lawsuit magnet... and a genius.


House: I quit.
Foreman: You can't quit.
House: I think you're confusing me with Jake Gyllenhaal.

Dr. Nolan: Why do you value your failures more than your successes?
House: My mother caught me masturbating... to pictures of her mother.
Dr. Nolan: Can we get past these cute deflections?

House: Who's that woman you were with in the parking lot?
Dr. Nolan: When you deflect, it's more effective when you're not that transparent.

Dr. Nolan: You having fun?
House: I did connect with one guy. But the my propensity for screwing things up overtook me. Then my desire to have fun overcame my propensity.

Lydia: You're not gay.
House: No, but I have to tell intimate secrets to people.
Lydia: Maybe they should be true.
House: Hadn't thought of that. To be on the safe side, I should probably do both, starting with the fun ones.

House Season 6 Quotes

I'm sick of being miserable.


Wilson: House?
House: Yes. What other friends do you have in an asylum?