You like pep? Nobody likes pep.


Mary: Man of honor? That's not an oxymoron.
Marshall: Technically, no.
Mary: It's a something moron though, I'm pretty sure.

How's the head shrinking going, Iron Mike.


It's like your in the NASCAR race but no one else is.


Out foxing the federal government isn't as easy as Jason Bourne makes it look.


I've kissed more girls than this guy.


What did you want him to do, write you a musical?


Mary: Don't get me wrong, I like Abigail. I do.
Marshall: You hide it well.

Everybody fakes it. Pretending to like a friend's spouse, feigning interest in the ozone or Christmas carols at the door. Just to seem somehow smarter or nicer, kinder, funnier. It's like we all want to be Canadians or something.


Kids, I don't see the upside.


Beth: This is where the cheerleaders sit.
Mary: Ah, explains the hives.

Marshall: You are in a different kind of mood this morning.
Mary: Actually, I'm in a really good mood. Which is kind of weird considering where I was 48 hours ago. Then I had a witness off herself and, like that is not bad enough, I've got to play second fiddle to a knucklehead like you.
Marshall: Thanks for lumping me in with kidnapping, attempted rape and suicide. Can't tell you how much that means.

In Plain Sight Quotes

One of the most difficult moments in anyone's life is when the fog of childhood lifts and we see for the first time our parents as people.


Marshall: You are in a different kind of mood this morning.
Mary: Actually, I'm in a really good mood. Which is kind of weird considering where I was 48 hours ago. Then I had a witness off herself and, like that is not bad enough, I've got to play second fiddle to a knucklehead like you.
Marshall: Thanks for lumping me in with kidnapping, attempted rape and suicide. Can't tell you how much that means.