I was on the right path all along. I just didn't know it.


Family is never perfect. All it is really, is yours.


Little girl: He's not feeling too good. Pooped all over our energy garden.
Mary: Well, you've got an energy garden. You kind of had it coming.

Since taking an early retirement from the hubcap business, Carlos has gone a little hippie granola. In addition to his alpacanomics, he fancies himself a bit of a shaman.


Stan: She buy it?
Marshall: I think so. She just hung up without a sarcastic comment.

"For two days I sweated through sweat pants which is harder than it sounds."


A child is going to be who a child is going to be.


The sign of a healthy compromise. Everybody's pissed.


It's one baby. I'm not having puppies.


I have no idea on what it takes to make a good parent but I've got a pretty good handle on what it takes to make a bad one.


Single mothers are super heroes but I don't want to be one.


Mom, are we seriously going to have this warm and fuzzy catch up in front of all these other weeble wobbles?


In Plain Sight Season 4 Quotes

Marshall: Your claws are showing.
Mary: They don't retract.

F.I.S.T. Those Fugitive Investigative Strike Team guys know how to pick a sexy acronym.
