I think I was wrong about you. I think you might be cut out for the fashion business after all, Jane.


Beau Bronn is the spawn of Satan.


Billy: What is it you want, Lulu?
Lulu: You. I want you.

We have a situation, Janet.


But, I do have one very serious question. When you sign my name, how do you get the "B" to loop like that? Is it one continuous or is it several random strokes?


Gray: And, you failed. Do you know what that means?
Jane: The Birkin?

You're right. I mean, maybe in some weird parallel universe, Lulu and I have something in common.

Billy: You know me.
Jane: I thought I did.

Jane: Look I respect your opinion. I really really do. But, I think this collection is something new. It's different.
Miyoko Sato: And....
Jane: And, It's just Donovan Decker took risks with this collection they didn't play it safe. Isn't that wait we should be looking for in fashion. To be surprised.
Miyoko Sato: [Sigh]
Jane: I'm sorry. That's all I wanted to say.

Ben: She's not happy.
Rita: It's High School, Ben, nobody's happy.

I miss you, Jane.


Jane: I love this. This job, it's the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think about every night. Do you have any idea what that is like?
Billy: Sometimes. Like when Mrs Dean wears that scholastically inappropriate sweater on Fridays for instances.