But, we work in fashion.

Gray: Bring me the book, Jane. See you in Paris.
Jane: Guess I'm going to Paris.

...first base only. Nothing more. Do not try to go for second base. Home run, not an option. You hear me?


That lookbook is not going to save you or Gray.


Jane: I love this. This job, it's the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think about every night. Do you have any idea what that is like?
Billy: Sometimes. Like when Mrs Dean wears that scholastically inappropriate sweater on Fridays for instances.

I guess I'm trying a new message.


Do not let her out of your sight. Seriously!


Did you just smell my Birkin?


I'm tired of being judged for the way I look, Janey. I want to see if it makes a difference.


Wear who you are.

Jane: You can't even say it.
Ben: You're grounded.
Jane: Are you serious?
Ben: I am.
Jane: Ugh!

No, it was more than a fight. I'm done being your dirty little secret, Lulu.
