One day you're there and there's less of you and you wonder where that part went. If it's living somewhere outside of you and you keep thinking maybe you'll get it back and then you realize it's just gone.


Pete: Come on.
Don: You wanna be on vacation Pete? Cause I can make that happen.

Don: I'm not gonna beg you.
Peggy: Beg me? You didn't even ask me.

The president is a product. Don't forget that.


Why does it have to be like this? Why can't I get anything good all at once?


I didn't get to where I am by dwelling on the past.


One day you'll lose someone who's important to you. You'll see. It's very painful.

Joan Holloway

Everytime I turn around, you've got a hand in my pocket... there's not one thing that you've done here that I couldn't live without.

Don [to Peggy]

Can someone please get my wife out of the kitchen? I have something very nice to say about her.


Pete Campbell: I have ideas.
Don Draper: I'm sure you do. Sterling Cooper has more failed artists and intellectuals than the Third Reich.

I got everything I have on my own. It's made me immune to those that cry and complain because they can't.


I don't wanna make a career out of being there so you can kick me when you fail.
