I hate to say this, but this has really made me wonder about civil rights. Maybe it's not supposed to happen right now.


What do you want from me, love? Your work is good. But when I say I want the moon, I expect the moon.

Connie [to Don]

I want what I want when I want it.' And you don't care what it does to the rest of us - like someone else I know.


People may see things differently, but they don't really want to.


Price: We finally have an answer to the question: What makes Don Draper smile? $5,000 seems to the number.

I didn't get to where I am by dwelling on the past.


Kinsey: I had a great idea and I lost it.
Don: I hate when that happens.

Anabelle: You're married, aren't you?
Roger: I am.
Anabelle: Still or again?
Roger: You know it's again. And don't get cute.

Miss Farrell: Even if I remove myself from the picture, I see a man that is not happy.
Don: I'm happy now.

You wanna be on some people's minds. Some people, you don't.


It's a lie so big. I feel like I've been in some dream since I found out.


Psychiatry is just this year's candy pink stove.
