How are we going to get to the truth if we start involving lawyers?


Provenza: Lamps! What do they look like?
Buzz: Things that should be kept in the dark.

Now I'm going to give you the next 15 minutes to figure it out, but if you try to hold my client beyond that... I love a good civil suit, don't you?


So you trust your partner and you cut your cards.


Let's make sure tonight this is as bad as things get.

Chief Taylor

Our officers pull over to help Mr. Peppers, for which they are assassinated.


We've only been friends for a couple of months, but if there's one thing that's totally obvious about you, it's that you're overconfident.


Let's hope MS-15 doesn't have something bigger in the works for us.

Chief Taylor

Welcome to the process of elimination.


Lopez: He looks like me, but its not me.
Sanchez: Too bad, because a dude who looks like you is about to go back to prison for violating his parole.

Sorry. I'm just a girl, and this 3D printer we found in your house... ooh, its heavy.


Provenza: Oh this is a crappy way to make a living. Working with the worst the world has to offer without being in charge.
Flynn: You weren't in charge for eight years.
Provenza: Yeah, but now I'm mad about it.

Major Crimes Quotes

Waddya know. A hanging Chad.


Provenza: Oh this is a crappy way to make a living. Working with the worst the world has to offer without being in charge.
Flynn: You weren't in charge for eight years.
Provenza: Yeah, but now I'm mad about it.