Phil: She's like the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
Cam: With cuter hair.

Haley: Okay so after a quick scan of his facebook, twitter, tumblr, pinterest and instagram, this is what I know.
Luke: Privacy is dead?

There's no such thing as a professional Broadway enthusiast.


Prepare to Phil the agony of Dunfeat! Both names!


Easy Duchess, it's just one room, not Gosford Park.


Jay: You and Manny have the closest relationship I've ever seen. Hell he may never form a healthy attachment with another woman after you.
Gloria: You're just saying that.

If she learns how to froth his cappuccino I am history!


Haley: Went to college at a place called MIT.
Alex: M.I.T.
Haley: I know how to spell it.

I'm not adorable, I'm getting a mustache.


Modern Family Season 4 Episode 20 Quotes

Haley: Went to college at a place called MIT.
Alex: M.I.T.
Haley: I know how to spell it.

I'm not adorable, I'm getting a mustache.
