Phil: You know how you can treasure special moments in your past that in no way diminish special moments in your present?
Claire: Yes sweetheart it's called having a memory.

I'm not spending any more time under fluorescent lighting than I have to.


Mitchell: Why don't we put Lily in one of Alex's shirts for the picture tonight?
Cam: She'll see right through that.
Mitchell: No you're thinking of Haley's shirts.

Calm down Claire, your voice is getting to that pitch that disturbs out cat.


Can I sit around an empty house and wait for someone? Baby I'm a realtor. I have a license for that.


That's a library? I thought it was a church for a religion that didn't allow makeup.


Modern Family Season 5 Episode 21 Quotes

Can I sit around an empty house and wait for someone? Baby I'm a realtor. I have a license for that.


That's a library? I thought it was a church for a religion that didn't allow makeup.
