You're playing fast and loose with my soul.


It was only four hours. I tipped over a paint can, and threw up a little. I think 'thanks' just about covers it.


This guy's been working like an imbecile all day for you.

Gloria [on Phil]

Was that before or after you were delivered to my door in a squad car wearing nothing but your underwear and a police hat.


Look who needs me now? Mr. Hot Dog fingers can't press 'print' without hitting three extra keys. Yeah, in my house now Jay! Technically we'll be in his house, but we'll be in my area of his house.


Mitchell: Nobody kisses at a bowling alley!
Cam: I almost got a turkey!

Your kids don't need to know who you were before you had them; they need to know who you wish you were, and try to live up to that person. They're gonna fall short, but better they fall short of the fake you than the real you.


Cameron: I remember once at a New Year's Eve party, stroke of midnight, he high-fived me. Two problems with that: One, gays don't high five. Two, gays don't high five.

I'm gonna go get a beer, beer, beer before I punch you in the head, head, head.


The computer and the printer must talk, talk, talk/Command P makes the picture walk, walk, walk.


Don't be coy, what are you waiting for a box of chocolates? Let's do this!


I love you when you're human.

Phil [to Claire]

Modern Family Season 2 Quotes

Manny: Kelly's moving her stuff into my notebook.
Kelly: It just felt right.

Every home-improvement project we've undertaken has been a near-death experience.
