Luke: It's called growing up and having your own interests. Like the minister's daughter in your precious Footloose.
Phil: Wow, using my own movie against me. Let's hear it for the boy.

For someone whose favorite words at the movies are "what did he say?" you overhear pretty good.

Gloria [to Jay]

Phil: Remember the great Kevin Bacon on footloose?
Luke: More like Foot-loser.

Driving with Alex is torture. She drives so slowly, I have to be the only parent who slams on the imaginary gas.


He keeps resisting but it's in his blood. I come from a long line of dancing Dunphys. A kickline actually.


I thought it was a charity event for the need, it turns out it was a charity event FOR the needy!


Alex: Am I just going to nitpick everyone until they leave me?
Haley: Hey mom found somebody!

5 oclock Christmas Eve and I have to find a dozen perfect presents for the world’s snarkiest, cattiest men. My dear, dear friends.


Dad I was with you on the tight rope, I was your wingman at the wing eating competition, but I’m not feeling this one. You’re missing Christmas Eve.


Just when I’m so close to the Canadian border I can smell the bacon and reasonably priced medications.


Jay: Trees are like women, the best ones make you work just a little bit harder.
Manny: She’s just not that into you.

You know what they say, houseguests start to stink after 3 days like dead bodies.


Modern Family Season 5 Quotes

I know how it works. I rented the wrong movie once. Did you see Glenn Gary Glenn and Ross?


If he doesn't go to Columbia, Columbia comes to me.
