Tony: Yesterday she came back from lunch smelling like Thai food and beer.
McGee: So she stopped for takeout.
Tony: Ziva hates Thai food. And she drinks on the job as often as she gets my movie references.

Vance: Homeland's called twice.
Gibbs: Ziva.
Vance: Yeah. Word is she's been sniffing around. I've got a pretty good idea why.
Gibbs: Well she's not the only one. You're looking around too.
Vance: No, not yet, but if and when I do you'll be the first to know.

This is great. I mean the two of us sitting here working. You over there doing your thing, me over here doing my thing. It's like we're the best tag team ever, right? You wanna tag in?


The Romans believed that one should wear the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand. Yes, because a vein in that finger runs straight to the heart. Vena amoris. Literally the vein of love.


Palmer: No, you know what? I take it back. It is not okay. I appreciate you throwing me a bone once in a while, or in this case a finger but it's not enough. I want to step up in all aspects of my career. And I will not let you send me on my way because you think something is...what...beyond my reach? It's not beyond my reach. I can help. I want to help. I want you to teach me that.
Ducky: Are you through?
Palmer: I believe so, yes.
Ducky: Then pull up a stool.

Hope this doesn't turn into one of those whacked-out games of tic-tac-toe. You know, a finger here, an arm there, you find a head and you've got a meat puzzle...


Tony: This is not good McGee.
McGee: Tony leave it alone.
Tony: I'm just saying: she's hopped on the rogue train before.

Ziva: It's not about a choice it's about survival. She will not stop until she gets her closure.
Tony: We still talking about the lieutenant?
Ziva: Please do not go there. I'm fine.

Ziva : I would like your permission to travel to Europe to find Bodnar. I have been trying to locate him with the help of McGee and various contacts.
Gibbs: I know.
Ziva: You have known all this time? Then why did...
Gibbs: You needed to be ready to tell me. He's in Rome.
Ziva: That's what I thought too.
Gibbs: What are you waiting for? Take DiNozzo. Go.

NCIS Season 10 Episode 20 Quotes

Ziva: It's not about a choice it's about survival. She will not stop until she gets her closure.
Tony: We still talking about the lieutenant?
Ziva: Please do not go there. I'm fine.

Ziva : I would like your permission to travel to Europe to find Bodnar. I have been trying to locate him with the help of McGee and various contacts.
Gibbs: I know.
Ziva: You have known all this time? Then why did...
Gibbs: You needed to be ready to tell me. He's in Rome.
Ziva: That's what I thought too.
Gibbs: What are you waiting for? Take DiNozzo. Go.